
Number of books by women appearing in the Locus All-Centuries Poll top 50 best 20th century SF novels: 4.

Number of women authors represented on the same poll: 3.

Number of books by famous male authors appearing twice due to poor data normalization: 1.

Number of books by women appearing on the top 15 best 21st century SF list: 2.

Number of books on the top 15 best 21st century SF list only appearing there on account of the reputation their authors made writing other books back in the 20th century: at least 3.

Number of books sufficiently embarassed to be on the best 20th century SF list that they’ll just hang around the punch bowl for fifteen minutes or so and then quietly slink off: at least 7, if there’s any justice.

Number of books by women appearing in the Locus All-Centuries Poll top 50 best 20th century fantasy novels: 8.

Number of those books not by J.K. Rowling: 5.

Number of books by women appearing in the top 15 best 21st century fantasy novels: 4.

Number of those books not by Lois McMaster Bujold: 2.

Number of books on the best 20th century fantasy list that would arguably deserve to be there even if the rest of the series they’re in had never been written: 6, maybe 7 tops.

Number of books on the best 20th century fantasy list that nobody would remember if it weren’t for the rest of the books in the series: I ran out of fingers.

Number of books on the best 20th century fantasy list that should be embarrassed to be there, but aren’t, that instead are crowded around the bar, drinking up all the good stuff, talking loudly over each other just to hear their own voices and occasionally sneaking uneasy glances at The Master and Margarita and The Once and Future King and The Little Prince and wondering who the hell they are and who let them in: probably 9 or 10.

Number of George R. R. Martin’s current doorstop series that didn’t make any list, probably because the 21st century list only runs to 15 titles: 1

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